This history of Lothian Buses is your ticket to ride

Lothian Buses – 100 years and Beyond demonstrates the long and interesting history behind Edinburgh and the Lothian’s most loved and favoured bus service.

With unique, and never before published photos, Richard Walter shows us all the different phases the buses have been through in the past, and how that got them to where they are now.

This is demonstrated by the different colours and styles that have been trialled on the buses to get them to the recognisable buses they are today.

As well as the rare photos of unique styles that have appeared throughout the years of service, Walter takes a look at how the routes of the buses have changed over time for the second half of the company’s first 100 years.

Walter has contributed bus related photos and articles to many transport magazines over the last 40 years: if anyone were to publish a great book about the Lothian buses, it would be him.

For those interested in the evolution of Lothian buses, wanting to know the secrets behind the company then Lothian Buses – 100 years and Beyond is the right book to look for.

Lothian Buses – 100 years and beyond, by Richard Walter, published by Amberley Publishing, £14.99.

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