The Good Books, Alex Kane: ‘I often turn to audiobooks now because I can listen to them anywhere’
Writer Alex Kane on her love of Ruth Ware and enjoying audiobooks.
The first book I remember reading:
I read lots when I was little, but the first book that I really remember reading was Saffy’s Angel by Hilary McKay. I was on my first ever holiday abroad and was finding the sun far too hot. I devoured this book on the balcony in our hotel. On the same holiday, I read my first ever Martina Cole book, Faceless.
A book I recommend to everyone:
I always recommend Behind Closed Doors by BA Paris because it’s the only book that I’ve ever read more than once. I utterly adored it. A very close second is Between You and Me by Lisa Hall. If you haven’t read Lisa’s books, do it. Her writing is brilliant and I followed her career quite closely after that book. She signed with Hera Books and I was so excited that my books shared a home with Lisa’s.
The best three books I have read in the last year:
The It Girl by Ruth Ware, I absolutely loved it. Ruth is fast becoming one of my favourite writers. The House on Cold Hill by Peter James. He managed to make me scared to turn the light off at night after reading that book. The third, dare I say, is another Ruth Ware, Zero Days. Ruth Ware has an ability to capture my attention for a lot longer than most.
A book I didn’t finish:
There hasn’t been any so far this year. Reading is subjective, isn’t it? So what I didn’t like or enjoy might be the next person’s most favourite read that year.
An author who has inspired me:
Casey Kelleher inspired me to keep going as a writer when I wanted to give up many a time. She started off as self-published and has gone from strength to strength. Her writing is brilliant and she can turn her hand from gritty crime to psychological thriller in the blink of an eye. Her name is always darting around in book groups and readers always have such great things to say about her books. And rightly so. Another writer who has and continues to inspire me is CJ Tudor. Her work is incredible and each book tops the last. I love how she can weave the supernatural into her books and often leave me open mouthed at the end. The Burning Girls being my favourite of her books.
My favourite place to read:
In bed. I just love getting all cosy and comfy before reading. Also, oddly, the train. Not that I’m on the train often. But I can zone out and completely immerse myself in the world of the book. I don’t get to read very often because I’m a mum to a toddler so a lot of my time is taken up with running around after her. Which I love. I do tend to turn to audiobooks more often because I can listen in the car, when I’m doing the dishes or laundry. But I mostly listen in the bath after a day of playing in parks, swimming with the wee one and soft play.
Alex Kane is a writer from Glasgow, specialising in gangland crime and psychological thrillers. Her latest book Two Sister (Hera) is out now and can be bought here.
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