The communities taking ownership of their land

In recent years, communities in the Scottish Highlands and Islands have taken ownership of more than half a million acres – an area equivalent to that of an English county like Nottinghamshire or West Yorkshire.

In places long characterised by contracting economies and shrinking populations, this remarkable development has resulted in new homes, new businesses, greatly enhanced self-confidence and the attraction of lots of new residents.

From the Low Tide of the Sea to the Highest Mountain Tops takes a look at community ownership of land in the highlands and islands, and is a fascinating, comprehensive study of how people are transforming the area for the better.

The book is broken down into geographical areas, looking at various organisations, with historical information, as well as how each has coped since taking ownership of the land.

From the Low Tide of the Sea to the Highest Mountain Tops, by James Hunter, illustrated by Cailean Maclean, published by The Islands Book Trust, £15.00.

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