The battle between progress and conservation

Born and brought up around Dalbeattie, Patrick Laurie shares his experiences of establishing himself as a farmer and the many challenges he and his wife faced along the way.

Laurie carefully examines his own relationship with the changing landscape of Galloway. His fascination with the natural world leads him to focus particularly on the plight of the curlew as their numbers dwindle due to changes in farming methods and the drive to forestry.

The curlew becomes a symbol for loss; loss of an old way of living and working.

Laurie writes in beautiful detail about the landscape and animals surrounding him. It’s abundantly clear they have become a part of him and he demonstrates a profound respect for them.

The book represents an ongoing battle between progress and conservation in which the farming industry is integral.

A thoughtful read about a man’s love of his homeland.

Native, by Patrick Laurie, published by Birlinn, £14.99.

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