Stepping back to the golden age of Scottish steam

Steam in Scotland tells the fascinating stories of our transport history and using images which have not previously appeared in print.

Edinburgh-born Kevin McCormack takes us back in time to witness the steam locomotives typical of Scotland in the 1950s and 60s.

A perfect coffee table book for any train enthusiast, each picture includes an explanation of the model, date and location, along with information about the train itself.

All but a few of the images are in full colour, offering a clearer perspective of the railway scene at the time.

The book includes personal anecdotes, with one particular highlight being the revelation that as a boy, McCormack almost destroyed the train named Loch Long when he was allowed a shot of driving a train before almost crashing.

A nostalgic glimpse of a time before the Beeching cuts and the dieselisation of remaining services.

Steam in Scotland by Kevin McCormack, published by RedBrain, £25.

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