The favourite drams of Outlander and Game of Thrones star

Game of Thrones and Outlander star Clive Russell tells Scottish Field of his love of whisky.

As it’s World Whisky Day 2018, Clive, the Fife-based actor, who has played Brynden Tully in Game of Thrones, and Lord Lovat in cult TV series Outlander, discusses his favourite drams.

Can you remember your first whisky?

My dad’s bottle of Haig’s Dimple, around 1963, which I pinched from the drinks cupboard. I absolutely hated it, thus later in life brandy was my short of choice.

Peaty or crisp & clean?

Peaty – Islay malts, Westy (Black & White) … the ones tasting like beach bonfire smoke are my favourite.

Favourite whisky?

Lagavullin is my present favourite. It contains all the above elements with just an extra wee bit of smokiness.

Mixers – Are you a water, ice or American Ginger Beer sort of a guy?

I used to drink whisky neat but was educated by a distillery-running pal. Now I forsake the delights of a ‘hit’ for a water drop-induced slow release through my entire being.

When do you most like drinking whisky?

Bearing in mind that I live by the sea, I love nothing more (having a dram after a ) than beach walks and fescue grass infected Links Golf…

Any great whisky-fuelled anecdotes?

Malt means many things, perhaps the delight of late evening solitary reflection as much as convivial company and lively, if measured, discussion with dear friends and family ,always associate it with pellucid late evening epiphanies, Merlot-induced reflection are always full of holes in the morning. Malt, sipped gently, reveals measured, sober, truth.

Your whisky love?

I love the colours of malt. I used to put four or five bottles on our front room piano, backlit for maximum effect. Malt whisky bottles seem so alluring, substantial, mature, ageless, weighty to hold, promising elegant Scottish delight.
