Scots artist will display some Fragments of her work

A Scots artist’s latest exhibition of work is set to go on show.

Fragments – Drawing, Painting and Glass by Kate Henderson hosts over 25 new drawings, paintings and glass pieces by the East Lothian-based artist.

The new body of work reflects Henderson’s ongoing fascination with historic architecture and form. She has found many rich sources of inspiration for her latest works in her hometown of Haddington, the old and new towns of Edinburgh and further afield to the Basilicas of Rome.

The title ‘Fragments’ highlights the sometimes-unseen threads that link the different areas of her work but also refers to Henderson’s ongoing challenge of trying to balance motherhood with her work as an artist. This very personal challenge manifests itself in finding suitable time and space to fulfill her creative spirit while also making time for the demands of her family, which she finds at times can feel like a series of fragmented experiences.

“Sanctuary” is a series of nine ecclesiastical studies based on a visit to Basilica’s in Rome. The small ink drawings capture simplified windows, archways and doorways, in muted colours that reflect the quiet contemplation she feels in these buildings.

These contrast strongly with her vibrant and colourful paintings detailing fragments of architecture in old town Edinburgh. Henderson uses graphite as a starting point and this metallic lustre creates a hazy atmospheric light effect within her work.

The graphite is reminiscent of the lead came she uses in her traditionally constructed stained-glass panels. In this exhibition, her glass work is inspired by the process the Victorians used to salvage and protect medieval stained glass. In the 19th century they leaded together recovered fragments of medieval glass broken during the reformation, to both preserve these historic relics by creating new abstract compositions.

Henderson explores this idea using off cuts that would usually be discarded in combination with textured sheets of stained and painted glass to create her medieval inspired quarry pieces. This historic recycling technique is used to great effect creating new cohesive works from disparate parts that might otherwise be discarded.

Kate Henderson graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in the early nineties, where she gained a BA (hons) art in stained glass and a post graduate diploma in design. Since then, she has built up a varied portfolio of commissioned stained glass works and well received painting exhibitions.

Fragments – Drawing, Painting and Glass by Kate Henderson will be on show at the Flat Cat Gallery, 2 Market Place, Lauder, from 1 September- 31 October.

Kate will be present on Saturday, 7 September, from 2-4pm for a meet the artist day.

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