FREE PICTURES :  The 2020 Scottish Quilting Show at SEC, Glasgow.

Picture Robert Perry 8th March 2020

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Quilting and creative crafts shows set to return

The Scottish Quilting Show and the Creative Craft Show returns to the SEC in Glasgow next month.

From March 3-6, they will be celebrating the skills and talents of crafters and inspiring visitors to take up a hobby of their own.

The Scottish Quilting Show is a world-class showcase of patchwork and quilting bringing together a range of exciting exhibitions from leading quilt artists and groups from around the globe. As the one-stop patch worker’s paradise for Scotland, this is the show to visit for supplies, galleries, competitions, workshops and talks.

The show will host the Changing Minds Around The World project – a collection of 40 quilted wall hangings produced by forty individual quilters from different countries including Russia, Canada, Qatar, Israel, Sweden, Greece, Kenya, New Zealand and Indonesia. Ann Hill BEM, Quilter in Residence at Alzheimer Scotland, started the global collection with the aim to show how people view the same things but see them very differently.

Ann said: ‘The pieces begin with inspiration and each piece reveals individual memories, hopes and dreams. It is absolutely fascinating to see how the changing mind interprets a picture or image in so many ways. It’s a truly magnificent project to have been a part of and we’re delighted to be able to bring it to The Scottish Quilting Show this year.’

Also featuring at the show year will be an immense exhibition from Contemporary Quilt, special interest group of The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles. Celebrating the group’s 20th Anniversary, their ‘Unchartered’ exhibition of 42 double sided quilts will be on display for the very first time at the SEC. The quilts explore ideas of land, sea and space, historical documents, the natural world and even include recent challenges related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The show will also host the annual Scottish Quilting Competition. Entrants are invited to enter their handiwork into this year’s competition with £500 worth of prizes to be won per category. There are seven quilting categories to enter, suitable for those new to the craft or those that have been honing patchworking skills for years.

The Scottish Quilting Show will be welcoming other influential artists in the world of quilts who will be hosting workshops and demonstrations on each day of the show:

Leah Higgins (Photo: Robert Perry)

Leah Higgins: Textile artist and printmaker Leah Higgins’ is inspired by the urban and industrial landscapes of her home city of Manchester and has exhibited internationally. Her textile art has developed from a life-long love of working with textiles and stitch.

Jennie Rayment: International fabric and textile engineer, Jennie is an acclaimed tutor, lecturer, author and TV demonstrator. Creator of ingenious designs, tactile forms, surface texture from seriously complicated to simply easy.

Pat Archibald: Edinburgh-based, Pat is an internationally renowned textile artist who travels extensively worldwide to exhibit and teach the art of quilting.

Sheena J Norwquay: Born and raised on the Orkney Islands, Sheena, after a 30-year primary school teaching career in Inverness, now shares her skills as a freelance quilting teacher, tutoring at venues all over the UK and abroad. Her award-winning work is pictorial and is inspired mainly by Orkney seascapes, birds and Norse myths with pieces often incorporating symbols and hidden images.

Packed with features, free workshops, the latest craft, quilting and haberdashery supplies, and experts on hand to share their tips, the shows are a must-visit for crafters.

Taking place at the same time, The Creative Craft Show will feature papercraft demonstrations, jewellery making and beading as well as knitting, stitching and dressmaking. Visitors can boost their craft stash with the latest products from the world of creative craft and be inspired by new and exciting techniques and tips.

For ticket sales, opening times and information about The Creative Craft Show, visit
