
New product fighting back against the Angels’ Share

A new product aimed at minimising the Angels’ Share of whisky has been developed.

The Scotch Bonnet has been designed and manufactured to minimize the Angels’ Share, the loss that evaporates from spirit casks.

After 42 months of testing within a distillery in Scotland, its creators are more than satisfied with the overall results, saying that not only did the casks with the Scotch Bonnet on save an average of 5.5kg of spirit, the malt spirit produced was subsequently disgorged and used in blending, proving that there was no change in taste or quality.

The Scotch Bonnet is produced from 100% neutral, natural fibreboard. Raw materials being sourced from sustainable managed forests, and is strong, extremely durable and able to withstand the weights that it has to endure in palletized warehouse conditions, it does not eliminate evaporation, but significantly slows down the loss from inside the barrel, while having no effect on the taste.

Ross Morrison, director of Scotch Bonnet Ltd, has been involved in the whisky industry for more than 15 years, providing maturation bonds for numerous distillers, had listened to various distillers complain about the loss of spirit from casks due to the Angels’ Share.

This had direct consequences on the distillers’ profitability so it was clear that something had to be done.  Along with the help of his long time friend Ken Hooker, from packaging design and manufacturing firm Proteus, they put ideas together and the Scotch Bonnet was born.

Ross said: ‘As the Bonnet went to trial there was much hope and anticipation awaiting the results, as it was unclear, at that time, if the Bonnet would actually work.

‘In the end we needn’t have worried.  The results of the trials that concluded on February 25 2019, and much to our delight, we could officially announce that the Scotch Bonnet had most certainly worked – far more than we had even hoped for.

‘These results were produced in Scotland, which as we know, can tend to be rather cold and damp.  Assuming this is the case then we firmly believe that a warmer, sunnier and drier climate will show far greater savings with the results becoming apparent in a much shorter space of time.’

The Scotch Bonnet is patented worldwide and is taking up residence within spirit Distilleries in Scotland, North America, Taiwan and the Caribbean.

It has caused much talk and debate amongst experts in the industry, with none other than whisky expert Charles Maclean giving the Scotch Bonnet his full support and recommendation as he said: ‘This is a remarkable break-through in the war against the Angels!’

Ross continued: ‘We have also had great support from Ian Chang who has trialled our Bonnets and gives his full support of our Bonnet’s effectiveness in significantly reducing the Angels’ share. Ian is very much looking forward to using our Bonnets in his new Distillery in Japan.’

The firm now have whisky, rum, bourbon and tequila distilleries all over the world showing interest in the product.

For more information on the Scotch Bonnet visit or email
