Dear Billy: Love letter to the Big Yin goes on tour

Billy Connolly needs no introduction. From the shipyards of the Clydeside to his extraordinary stage and movie exploits, he is a national treasure. And everyone has a Billy story, a hilarious anecdote or a moving tale, the Big Yin is woven into Scottish culture. Theatre maker Gary McNair has spent the last seven years collecting…

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Celebrating a magical decade of festivities

The first details have been revealed for the 10th annual MagicFest – Edinburgh’s much-loved celebration of all things magical. It will perform a special trick of its own – vanishing from its old spot in the summer only to reappear, transformed, in the festive season at the end of December and early January. The event,…

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National Theatre of Scotland working on new six-month project

A major new arts project for the people of North Lanarkshire has been announced. Over the next six months the National Theatre of Scotland will be working with CultureNL and North Lanarkshire Council on a large-scale exciting arts project entitled Shift, writes Imogen Lovie. There will be public performances which include six free trailblazer events which…

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