Bonnie Bairn fair heads online

A SCOTTISH pregnancy and family fair is moving online. More than 100 exhibitors are due to take part in Bonnie Bairn on 6 and 7 March. Visitors will be able to choose local products and services during the virtual event. Event founder Deby Rainnie said: “While we appreciate that a virtual event cannot replace the…

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Car boot find leads to a new case for sleuth

Private Investigations, an instalment in the Bob Skinner mysteries, sees the Edinburgh sleuth plunged into a gruelling new case.  The former Chief Constable has seen his fair share of crime scenes, but few affected him as much as the horrifying sight he finds stowed in the back of a stolen car that collides with his.…

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Sunday May 29th…Well that wasn’t so good, Native Coll and Amulree both pulled up at Cartmel last night after apparently failing to handle the sharp track and appearing unable to keep up, then Amulree bit me when she was being washed down, a long drive home and somewhat inconclusive apart from it not being a…

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Glad we booked….

Saturday May 21st…As revenge for dragging her to a Fleet Foxes concert Mrs A kindly took me to see Romeo & Juliet last night, a first class Danish production but the populus of Dunfermline must have different things to do on a Friday night. Cool but fair here today, horses working on the riverbank and the…

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