Visitors can apply for funds to bring them ‘home’

People with Scots ancestry are being encouraged to visit their ancient homeland to explore their ancestry.

Each year, hundreds of thousands of visitors from across the globe choose to apply to the Scottish Clan Event Fund, which directly supports these activities.

The fund supports the growth of clan and clan-related events which take place across Scotland, celebrating Scotland’s clan histories outwith the cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Round six of the Scottish Clan Event Fund is now open for applications and will be seeking to support eligible events taking place across 2019 and 2020.

Grants of up to £5000 are available for events supported by individual clans or organisations, whilst applications endorsed by multiple clans may apply for up to £10,000.

EventScotland welcomes applications from clan and clan-related events hosting a range of activities from family gatherings to clan games, historical re-enactments and cultural and music events.

Applications are open until Friday, 28 September. To request an application or for any enquiries related to the Scottish Clan Event Fund please contact Sophie Sim by emailing or by phone on +44 131 472 2380.
