Parliament to debate grouse shooting – again

A petition on grouse shooting will debated by MPs in Westminster.

The debate has been triggered by an online petition that has attracted 111,965 signatures – more than the required 100,000 clicks – and comes just four years after a similar debate saw the case for banning grouse shooting totally dissected by MPs.

In an online petition, entitled: ‘Ban Driven Grouse Shooting – wilful blindness is no longer an option’, it states Chris Packham, Ruth Tingay and Mark Avery (Wild Justice) believe that intensive grouse shooting is bad for people, the environment and wildlife, claiming grouse shooting is economically insignificant when contrasted with other real and potential uses of the UK’s uplands.

It is not yet known when the debate will be held, but it will be taking place in Westminster Hall, rather than the Parliamentary Chamber.

As always, the Countryside Alliance will be working with like-minded organisations to ensure that all the benefits of grouse shooting are put forward.

Tim Bonner, chief executive of the Countryside Alliance said: ‘It’s quite extraordinary that grouse shooting will again be debated on precious parliamentary time, given the range of very serious environmental concerns facing the world.

‘This pursuit of grouse shooting is not driven by new science or evidence, but the same old prejudice. Nevertheless, the proposed debate will offer MPs the opportunity to put forward the positive case for grouse moor management and the social, environmental and economic contribution of shooting to the uplands.’
