Hints to protect your home from housebreaking

Property crime is one of the most recorded crimes there is in most countries.

In the year 2017 to 2018, Scotland recorded no less than 418,000 crimes. These crimes involved property theft, damage to household property, and housebreaking. This only means that there are a lot of homeowners in Scotland have unreliable home security system or doesn’t have a home security system.

It’s essential to apply security measures at all times whether you have a commercial or residential property. There are various ways to keep your property safe from potential danger, such as theft or burglary. There may have been a lot of recorded property crimes in Scotland every year. But you can make a big difference by applying some excellent security measure to keep away intruders from entering your home.

You may live in a relatively safe country, but that doesn’t mean that you can let your guard down. Thieves and burglars are everywhere, and they strike the most when they know that you or your property is vulnerable. Therefore, to ensure the safety and protection of your property and family, you need to establish some methods. Here are several ways to protect your home from criminals.

Install a Home Security System

There are a lot of home security options in the market today, and each of them has different features. It’s up to you on what type should you choose or what security system would suit your needs. Having a security system would make a significant difference in making your home safer from thefts and potential burglaries. A home security system has security devices such as door sensors, window sensors, glass break sensors, motion sensors, etc. These devices contribute to the safety and welfare of your family.

You can also invest in a burglar alarm system. It’s an efficient deterrent for thieves and burglars. If you don’t have one, you might want to consider installing this type of system. There are a lot of benefits you can get by just installing the right home security system. Aside from making your property safe and secure, it can also provide peace of mind. So make sure you get the right home security system for your property.

Don’t Forget to Lock Windows and Doors

One of the most common things most homeowners forget to do when they’re about to sleep or go out of their home is to check and lock all the entry points of the house. Intruders target the most vulnerable property that they could see. If you forgot to lock your doors and windows, then you might become one of the victims of theft and robbery.

It’s not that hard to do, but because most homeowners think of it that way, they tend to forget one essential thing to keep their home protected from potential criminals.

Befriend Your Neighbours

In times of emergency, the only people that could help you aside from your family is your neighbors. There’s a saying that “Neighbours look out for each other,” so, you have to get on good terms with them. But, the best neighborhoods are those who have neighbors who don’t bat an eye on you or your property. Also, having elderly neighbors are a plus, because most of them don’t care much about other people.

However, it’s not bad to have friendly neighbors as well as they could help you in times of need. Some homeowners leave the responsibility in their neighbours in checking their property when they’re not home or on vacation.

Install a Surveillance System on Your Property

Though some home security systems have security cameras included, you also might want to consider adding more. This is essential, especially if you have vast property. Nowadays, having a residential surveillance system is becoming more and more necessary due to increasing crime and burglaries. So, having security cameras inside and outside your property could lessen the stress of thinking if your home is safe or not.

Security cameras can provide you video footage around your property 24/7. You can also choose to have a live feed or a recorded one. The good thing of having a surveillance system is that you can monitor all the happenings inside your property. You can also identify the people that are going in and out of your house. The demand of having a surveillance system has increased in the last years due to the advancement of technology.

One good thing about having security cameras around your property is that there’s less hassle for you to monitor every area of your home. Instead, you can just check your display monitors the look for suspicious movements around your house. In addition to that, there are also internet-ready security cameras. These type of security cameras allows the user to view and monitor the videos remotely. This way, you won’t have to worry about checking your home even when you’re at work or on vacation.


There are numerous ways to keep your property and family safe from criminals, and following these basic steps could be your key to have a peaceful life. In the end, you can only be the person who decides on what methods you can use. This way, you can ensure the safety and protection of your family from different harmful and dangerous situations.

Tyler Pack is a real estate consultant and journalist, with a passion for smart homes technology. He is keen on writing about home and property security, and cybersecurity.
