Tasty dish with langoustine, crab and seaweed

Flavour is always the number one priority for Gary Phillips,  the head chef at Kilcamb Lodge on the stunning Ardnamurchan peninsula.

But how do you know when a chef is committed to his work?

Well, he falls in love with the place, buys a house and gets married. And that’s exactly what Gary has done.

The 32-year-old chef from New Cumnock in Ayrshire started work at the hotel on the beautiful Ardnamurchan peninsula seven years ago and openly admits that he’s now ‘there for life’.

‘Every day I come into work and I learn something new,’ he says.

‘It’s different from other kitchens where you worry about what you are able to do and what’s booked in for that night.

‘Here we just do it. No matter how complicated the techniques, we do it. We really get to enjoy cooking because we cook whatever we want.’
