Looking to honour Scotland’s newest businesses

Each year, there are many new businesses establishing themselves in Scotland.

The Scottish Rural Awards aims to recognise these new firms, their dedication and successes, through the Business Start Up category.

It seeks to identify innovation, application and inspiration from all new businesses which have been trading for less than 24 months prior to 20 October 2018.

This category is open to all new businesses who have been trading in their current incorporation for less than two years.

Although primarily aimed at businesses in their early stages, consideration in this category will also be given to existing businesses which have been recently restructured and relaunched with a clear change of use within the past 24 months.

The judges will be asking the following: Does the nominated business fill a gap in the local market? Has the nominee outlined evidence of strategic development? How has the nominee overcome difficulties in starting up their business?


At the 2018 awards, GlenWyvis Distillery, based in Dingwall, were overall winners in the Business Start Up category, with the judging panel praising their ambitious, out of the box thinking and use of crowdfunding.

Another Dingwall business, the Highland Cookhouse, which sells frozen readymeals, was the runner-up.

There was also good news for relative newcomer Wild Thyme Spirits based on Colonsay, as they landed a highly commended award.

Click HERE for more details.
