A not so Glorious 12th as shoots are cancelled

Hoteliers in Scotland have reported a downturn in business due to the widespread cancellations of shoot programmes. Approximately 70% of grouse shooting days have been...

Plans to restrict use of lead shot at wetlands

The continued use of lead shot in the UK is now at a tipping-point. This comes after the publication of the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA)...

Free event aims to catch new fishing enthusiasts

A free event to encourage more women to take up fishing is taking place this weekend. Tomorrow, Saturday, 8 September, Orvis Kelso are holding their...
shooting game

Death threats and abuse for country sports enthusiasts

Nearly two-thirds of country sports enthusiasts have received online bullying or harassment, according to a new Countryside Alliance survey. Extreme examples include poeple being threatened...
Fly fishing

Country house fishing party is exclusive opportunity

A grand one-off three-night fishing party will mark the close of the sporting season at Kinloch Lodge this October. It's an appropriate send off, given...
Justine Muir (left) and Sheila Eastwood (Photo: Graeme Hart/  Perthshire Picture Agency)

Grouse shooting season underway in Perthshire

Country sports enthusiasts took to Scotland's moors today to mark the official start of the grouse shooting season - despite predictions that weather conditions are...