Wider audience for Wigtown young adult books

WIGTOWN YA, the UK’s largest young adult literature festival, continues this week as part of the wider online Wigtown Book Festival.

This week’s virtual speakers include Dean Atta talking about The Black Flamingo, Catherine Bruton presenting No Ballet Shoes in Syria and Michelle Thomas explaining My Sh*t Therapist.

Previous online events can also be watched through the festival’s website, including Nicola Yoon speaking about Everything, Everything, Juno Dawson talking about Wonderland, and Melinda Salisbury presenting Hold Back the Tide.

Andy Stewart, Wigtown Festival Company’s young people’s co-ordinator, said: “Our digital programme aims to showcase the welcoming and accessible nature of our usual physical YA programme, and maybe even share it with a wider audience because this year it all has to be online.

“This year’s Wigtown YA programme has been curated with themes of resilience, diversity and looking to the future very much in mind.

“It features some of most well-known YA authors of the last decade, and we hope that it will appeal to an intergenerational audience.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s books pages.
