Union Chain Bridge to Northumberland reopens

THE Union Chain Bridge has reopened to link the Borders to Northumberland once more.

Restoration work on the oldest vehicle suspension bridge in the world began in October 2020.

Each part of the bridge – which opened in 1820 – was removed, checked, and replaced.

Councillor John Greenwell, executive member for roads development and maintenance at Scottish Borders Council, said: “Seeing the Union Chain Bridge link now re-established is an extremely pleasing moment for everyone involved across this project.

“Years of hard work has gone into making the restoration possible from the Friends group, which has long campaigned for the bridge’s preservation, to all the funders, and the project team and skilled workers who have undertaken the careful works to dismantle, repair and reinstate this unique crossing.”

Northumberland County Council leader Glen Sanderson added: “This is a fabulous moment for everyone involved with this hugely technical project – to finally see this famous structure in all its glory as it was [more than] 200 years ago.

“This bridge stands as a testament to partnership working and shows what can be achieved when everyone is pulling in the same direction.

“It’s a glorious structure and I’m sure will be a huge draw to tourists as well as providing a much-needed day-to-day connection for local communities on both sides of the Border.”

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