Tweed Foundation launches auction

THE Tweed Foundation has opened its online auction, with prizes including salmon fishing, luxury hampers, and works of art, and a rally driving lesson.

Almost 50 lots have been donated for the auction, which runs until 5pm on 10 June.

The charity, which is based in Drygrange, protects and improves fish stocks in the River Tweed system.

The Tweed fishery contributes around £24 million each year to the local economy and supports 513 jobs.

Jamie Stewart, director of the Tweed Foundation, said: “Protecting and enhancing fish stocks in the Tweed river catchment is vital, but we require funding from multiple sources to help us deliver the biological fish stock monitoring and habitat enhancement programmes that form the core of our work.

“We’re extremely grateful to everyone who has donated to this exciting mix of auction lots and hope that people will bid as much as they can to help fund our ongoing efforts.”

The lots include: a day’s fishing on the Tweed’s Dryburgh Upper beat for four rods with a hot lunch; a day’s fishing for two rods at Ladykirk and Norham; six days on the Lower Pavillion beat; and various fishing experiences on other sections of the Tweed, Whiteadder, Ettrick, Teviot, North Tyne, and Rede rivers.

A trout fishing experience on a private loch in Coldingham also features, as well as the chance to bid for up to 20 young people to learn angling skills on the Tweed Foundation’s “TweedStart” programme.

Other prizes include: a guided Grayling fishing session with the organisation’s head fishery officer; a casting instruction session; and the chance to learn about the Tweed Foundation’s smolt monitoring project.

In addition, there’s the chance to bid for other lots, including roe buck and red stag stalking, hampers of exotic meats or fish, a bespoke cake, and bottles single malt Scotch whisky.

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