Shetland launches ‘Jump Start January’

SHETLANDERS could win tickets to the Six Nations rugby championships through a new “Jump Start January” programme.

Individuals, groups, households, and schools are all being invited by the local council to get active for at least 15 minutes each day during four weeks early in the new year.

The scheme begins on Monday, with people choosing how they want to exercise.

Louise Johnson, active schools manager at Shetland Islands Council, said: “New Year is a great time to think about starting a new healthier lifestyle.

“Our challenge can include any type of physical activity – we don’t mind, as long as people are moving more than they usually do.

“We are also sharing a number of links to support people who may want, for example, to feed their family more healthily on a budget or give up smoking.

“We know that a healthy and happy life involves a lot more than just exercise; we’re hoping that families and individuals will get involved – and have some fun along the way.”

The challenge has been organised by staff from Shetland Islands Council’s sport and leisure department, NHS Shetland, Ability Shetland, and Shetland Recreational Trust.

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