Scottish slave trade film premieres in Glasgow

A FILM that explores Scotland’s connections with the slave trade will have its UK premiere at Glasgow Film Theatre.

Lagareh – The Last Born, which was made by Glasgow artist Alberta Whittle and focuses on anti-racist and pro-Black advocacy, will be shown in the city on 20 September.

The film will then begin a tour of Scotland, taking in Inverness, Lerwick, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Broadford, and Ayr between now and next March.

Kitty Anderson, director of LUX Scotland, which is touring the film, said: “We are thrilled to be sharing Alberta’s work with audiences across Scotland, and to launch this tour in Glasgow where Alberta lives and works.

“The Scottish tour provides a wonderful opportunity to explore the key ideas in Alberta’s practice, and to extend the conversation to include the voices of some of her collaborators and others that have influenced her practice.”

The film is part of a wider body of work by Whittle – deep dive (pause) uncoiling memory – being exhibited in Venice until November and featuring tapestry created in collaboration with Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh and sculpture created in collaboration with Glasgow Sculpture Studios.

Read more television news on Scottish Field’s film and TV pages.

Plus, don’t miss actor Cal MacAninch sharing his credo in October’s luxury issue of Scottish Field magazine.
