Rain didn’t dampen coronation celebrations

BAD weather didn’t stop Scots from celebrating the coronation.

Families gathered in Aberdeen’s Duthie Park today to join Lord Provost David Cameron, who attended the coronation in London yesterday.

On Friday, coronation-themed packs – including decorations and cakes made by local school children – were delivered to nursing homes and sheltered housing centres.

Cameron said: “It has been a fantastic weekend in Aberdeen as residents and visitors alike came out in force to celebrate and enjoy the King’s coronation.

“Despite the weather, it was great to see hundreds of families enjoying the free event at Duthie Park.”

He added: “I was also delighted to see more than 100 coronation cakes and decorations delivered to many of the city’s nursing homes and sheltered housing complexes.

“I hope that the cakes and decorations we provided were enjoyed by all the residents while they were no doubt watching the national celebrations on the television.

“It was important that we included those who are of His Majesty The King’s own generation, many of whom will remember the last Coronation Day in 1953 for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth.”

Read more news and reviews on Scottish Field’s culture pages.

Plus, don’t miss author Alexander McCall Smith’s column in the May issue of Scottish Field magazine.
