Online video ideas for New Year’s Day

LOOKING for something to watch to brighten up your New Year’s Day?

Then we’ve got some exciting suggestions.

If you have missed going to a theatre to see a pantomime this winter then check out the King’s Theatre in Edinburgh’s production of Panto Presents….. Where Has Panto Gone? at

You can also find out more about how the panto was put together at

Imogen Reiter and Hannah Bradley, who played Cinderella and Belle, delivered panto “play packs” to Edinburgh’s Royal Hospital for Sick Children ahead of Christmas.

Sticking with the theatre theme, check out the Shine On documentary about how Dundee Rep and Scottish Dance Theatre worked together in the run up to Christmas at

Finally, looking ahead to this summer’s festivals, check out the performances recorded by guitarist Sean Shibe and violinist Benjamin Baker for the East Neuk Festival at

Plus, don’t forget to check out our other news and reviews on Scottish Field’s culture pages.
