Old Man of Storr footpaths restored

FOOTPATHS at the Old Man of Storr on Skye have been relaid ahead of the busy summer tourist season.

Phase two of the project involved relaying the path near the top of the “Photographer’s Knoll”.

Duncan Bryden, chair of the Outdoor Access Trust for Scotland (OATS), said: “OATS [is] delighted that the paths at the Storr have been improved.

“Nature-based sites on Skye underpin much of the island’s tourism sector and help deliver employment and visitor spending.

“The combination of many pairs of feet, weather and climate change are taking their toll.

“Looking after our core natural assets is essential so future generations can enjoy these sites as we do today.”

Chris Taylor, destination development director at VisitScotland, added: “It is fantastic to see the paths project completed ahead of the start of the traditional visitor season, which will be a huge improvement to the visitor experience on Storr.

“The restoration and waymarking of these paths will help ensure Storr remains a must-visit destination for future generations of holidaymakers.

“Tourism is a force for good and sustains communities in every corner of Scotland, creates jobs and can improve wellbeing.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s outdoors pages.

Plus, don’t miss Guy Grieve’s column in the March issue of Scottish Field magazine.
