NHS Lothian unveils hospital art project

TWO hospitals are running art workshops and displaying art on their walls to help improve the wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors.

Art is now on display at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh and at Haddington’s East Lothian Community Hospital.

The East Lothian facility also hosted community craft events.

The artworks includes a tactile sanctuary space and new sculptures in Haddington, while the Edinburgh Haematology Centre’s commissions included work in ceramics.

A variety of artists took part and the creative work has been coordinated by Round Table Projects.

Workshops at East Lothian Community Hospital for mental health outpatients and people living with dementia have also been a part of this project, which received its funding from NHS Lothian Charity’s Tonic Arts Programme.

Among the supporters of both the art commissions and the workshops is Craft Scotland, the national development agency for craft.

Its director, Irene Kernan, said: “Craft Scotland have been delighted to work in partnership with Tonic Arts on these commissions.

“As the national agency for craft, supporting health and wellbeing is an important strand of our work.

Commenting on the workshops, she added: “The feedback from staff and participants at East Lothian Community Hospital illustrate craft’s potential to play a key role in healthcare supporting treatment and recovery.”

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