Nevis Range extends bike partnership

THE Nevis Range Mountain Experience has extended its commercial partnership with Trek Bikes for another year.

As part of the deal, Trek will continue to support Mikayla Parton, Nevis Range’s sponsored downhill and endurance rider in British and international races.

During the past year, Trek has supplied Nevis Range with a fleet of mountain bikes, including a number of e-bikes.

Nevis Range said the e-bikes have been “vital” to its track maintenance team, allowing members of staff to “quickly reach locations on tracks and trails that are inaccessible to larger vehicles, helping to improve trail maintenance and development on all 60 kilometres of tracks and trails at the venue”.

Chris O’Brien, chief executive at Nevis Range, said: “Last weekend, saw more than 50 volunteers turn out to help us get ready to launch the new bike season and – with the upturn in demand for bikes that has been seen during lockdown – I’m hoping we can see some of those new rides on our downhill tracks over this next few weeks.

“Bike season ticket sales and uplift day tickets are selling well, so here’s hoping for a fantastic, if shorter, summer season.

“Whilst we don’t yet know what racing may look like over the coming months, we do know that despite everything there will be more people riding our trails than ever before, and I really want to thank Trek for its continued support.”

New trail being built

O’Brien added: “Whilst many of our projects have been cancelled due to funding pressures and a catastrophic loss of revenue, we are continuing with our ‘Blue Bike Track’ new blue graded, uplift accessible, trail and hope to have that open in May 2021.

“As lockdown restrictions have eased, the company’s trail building team has been able to get back to work on this exciting new project, which will be a massively attractive new addition to the resort’s extensive network of mountain bike trails.

“The cross-country trail will allow less confident riders to head higher up Aonach Mor and enjoy views as far as the Isle of Skye.”

Read more mountain biking stories on Scottish Field’s outdoor pages.
