(Richard Johnson/Shutterstock)
(Richard Johnson/Shutterstock)

NC500 repeats motorhome and campervan advice

THE North Coast 500 (NC500) has reminded visitors driving motorhomes and campervans about the “dos and don’ts” while touring the North Highlands.

Operations director Craig Mills said: “Experiencing the NC500 by motorhome or campervan has become a popular way for visitors to enjoy all that the North Highlands has to offer.

“However, it is important that these users are well prepared for their visit and follow the appropriate advice and guidance.”

Advice from the NC500 includes:

  • “wild Camping” does not apply to motorised vehicles including campervans and motorhomes – under the 2003 Land Reform (Scotland) Act, it only applies when camping by foot, bike, or other non-motorised transport;
  • if you decide not to stay at a formal campsite, then ensure that you are parking responsibly in an area that allows overnight parking – if in doubt then follow the advice from the Campervan & Motorhome Professional Association (CaMPA);
  • ensure drivers are used to driving large vehicles and that the vehicle can be driven safely (including reversing) on single track roads;
  • Scottish access rights and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code do not apply to motor vehicles;
  • do not empty any chemical toilet waste anywhere other than at a designated chemical waste area;
  • when hiring a campervan or motorhome, make sure the hire company demonstrates how to empty and maintain any on-board waste facilities.

The NC500 has also produced further advice on its website.

News of the advice comes amid a pilot scheme being run by The Highland Council, offering overnight short stay parking for motorhomes.

The car parks in the council’s trial are:

  • Dunnet Head;
  • Dunnet Seadrift;
  • Durness Village tourist information;
  • Gairloch harbour;
  • Little Gruinard beach;
  • Nairn harbour;
  • Noss Head;
  • Reiss beach;
  • Riverside in Wick;
  • Shore Street in Golspie;
  • Torvean in Inverness;
  • Ullapool Latheron.

The Highland Council has also produced a leaflet with further advice for motorhome and campervan drivers.

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s news pages.

Plus, don’t miss our readers’ reviews of accommodation for walking holidays in the August issue of Scottish Field magazine.
