Marchmont House runs open studio weekend

THE Marchmont House open studios weekend begins tomorrow and includes a special exhibition by three artists inspired by the wild.

The “Wild Spaces” exhibition in The Old Squash Court studios features pieces by Borders-based visual artists Anna King, Hayley McCrirrick, and Mary Morrison.

Some of their pieces have been inspired by the 1,500-acre estate.

The event is also a chance to meet visual artists and craft makers who are based in the growing number of studios that have been developed in the historic outbuildings around the Palladian mansion near Greenlaw in the Borders.

Visitors will also be able to go on tours around the sculptures in the house’s grounds.

They include works by Antony Gormley, Eduardo Paolozzi, David Nash, Bernard Meadows, Alexander Macdonald Buchanan, Henry Moore, and Keith McCarter.

Lucy Brown, managing director of The Marchmont Makers’ Foundation, who is helping organise the event, said: “If you enjoy art and craft and fabulous countryside then our open studios weekend is perfect for you.

“It’s a lovely chance to meet artists and makers, see their work, browse a makers’ market and enjoy some great food before taking one of the sculpture tours round Marchmont’s beautiful gardens.”

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