High School of Glasgow gears up for ‘sustainability social’

PUPILS from The High School of Glasgow picked up litter at Lennox Park in Milngavie as they prepare to hold a “sustainability social”.

Children from the junior four year group have been learning about sustainability and the impact that plastic has on the oceans.

The pupils will tell their families what they have learned about the environment during their “sustainability social”, which the children are organising at Gavin’s Mill in Milngavie.

Nikki Barrett, junior four class teacher at The High School of Glasgow, said: “‘Protecting the Planet’ is a core part of the junior four curriculum.

“It has proved invaluable for pupils to put lessons learnt in the classroom into practice, both within school and further afield.

“Visiting Lennox Park, rolling up sleeves, and bagging up litter to leave it in good condition for others – while also helping to protect the environment – has proved really rewarding for all involved.”

Heather Fuller, head teacher at The High School of Glasgow Junior School, added: “We are very excited for the upcoming ‘sustainability social’ that junior four is hosting.

“This is an ambitious and unique project undertaken by our junior four – it’s the first time a class has taken the event to an external location and I know the children are very excited to showcase what they have learnt.

“It’s a brilliant example of our pupils leading on their learning and we’ve been encouraged to see how much the ‘Protecting the Planet’ topic has resonated.

“We’ve witnessed real passion in our pupils who demonstrate a great desire to help reduce our carbon footprint in school and to share their understanding so that they can have an impact at home too.

“It’s set to be a really special day and I can’t wait to attend junior four’s ‘sustainability social’.”

Read more stories from Scotland’s schools on Scottish Field’s education pages.
