Great Glen Challenge begins for RSABI

TWENTY-SIX teams are taking part in the Great Glen Challenge today to raise money for the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Institution (RSABI).

Teams of four people will run, kayak, ride, and hike from Fort Augustus to Fort William.

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) Scotland has three teams taking part.

Colin Ferguson, NFU Scotland’s Dumfries and Galloway regional chair, wrote a blog post ahead of the event.

“RSABI performs an untold level of heavy lifting when it comes to supporting our rural communities, often unseen but always there when most needed,” he wrote.

“There is no doubt that we all hope it may never be us but when it comes to our mental or financial health, we can never be sure it won’t be, and having RSABI there is vital to catch us, or someone we know, when we are at our very lowest.

“Whether it is the one-to-one confidential counselling or financial grants on offer, they are the lifeline that is essential for our industry.”

Ferguson added: “For me though, the Great Glen itself is my tonic, exercise is my escape from the day-to-day.

“I don’t pretend to be the next Chris Hoy but the escape and reward of tackling a hill or distance on my bike is enough to forget the stresses of work and life.

“It is not just the exercise that I am looking forward to, it’s the taking part where I’ll find my joy, surrounded by friends and colleagues, bringing forward that community spirit that is so strong in our sector, and knowing that the sweat and sore muscles will all be worth it.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s outdoors pages.

Plus, don’t miss the September issue of Scottish Field magazine.
