Doric scriever starts residency

DORIC writer Shane Strachan has been named as the next Scots scriever by the National Library of Scotland.

The role involves promoting the Scots language by carrying out research at the library and producing original work.

Strachan said: “I’m fair trickit tae be this year’s Scots scriever, especially gettin tae promote the Doric o my hame region Aiberdeenshire tae folk that bide ere and aabody else online.

“Broucht up in the fishin toons o Fraserburgh and Peterheid, I’ve been spikkin Doric aa my life and scrievin in it for 16 years, sae it’s an honour tae haud this affa rare position wi the National Library of Scotland across the neist year.”

National Librarian Amina Shah added: “We are delighted with the progress made through the scriever programme.

“It really has helped to showcase the diversity and breadth of the Scots language.

“Last year, Orkney scriever Alison Miller’s exploration of new genres alongside championing Orcadian writing both locally and further afield celebrated Orkney as a stronghold of contemporary Scots.

“Now, with the appointment of Aberdeenshire scriever Shane Strachan, we are excited to welcome a fresh, dynamic voice to celebrate Doric as yet another facet in modern, vibrant, and contemporary Scots writing.”

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