Community can have their say on the future of moor

People are being urged to have their say on the future of a moor just outside Glasgow.

The people of Milngavie are being asked to help shape the future of Barloch Moor.

East Dunbartonshire Council has contracted Heritage Environmental Ltd to produce a five year management plan for the local nature conservation site located on Old Mugdock Road.

The people of Milngavie are being asked to help shape the future of Barloch Moor.

A drop-in public information event has been organised by the council’s Streetscene technical support team to allow the local community to find out more and to have their own say about what they would like to see in the management plan.

Councillor Jim Gibbons, convener of the council’s place, neighbourhood and corporate assets committee, said: ‘Barloch Moor is one of East Dunbartonshire’s hidden gems and is bursting with biodiversity.

‘It’s very popular with the local community and is well-used as a resource for delivering environmental education opportunities.

‘This information event is a great opportunity for anyone interested in finding out more about the proposed management plan to come along and get all the information they need and give their feedback.

Barloch Moor has lots of biodiversity

‘There will be experts on hand to answer questions and provide further details on what is being proposed.’

The event will take place on Wednesday, December 6, from 3-7pm at Cairns Church, 11 Buchanan Street, Milngavie.

Councillor Gibbons added: ‘This is your chance to have an input into the creation of the management plan, which will include access improvements, biodiversity enhancements and the general management of the site.

‘I hope people are able to attend and have their say.’
