Author’s 5k project hits 10 year mark

AUTHOR Mike Dales’ challenge to walk, run, cycle, kayak, or ski five kilometres every day will reach its 10th anniversary tomorrow.

The Bridge of Earn-based writer has published a book encouraging others to follow in his foosteps.

“There are many people out there wanting to take more exercise, but every time they try to do more, they end up giving up after a few days or weeks,” he said.

“My message is that if you can stick a number on it, then you’re more likely to find the motivation to keep going.

“If you say, ‘I will walk a mile on at least five days every week’, or ‘I will walk at least ten kilometres every week’, then you’re far more likely to succeed because that number will motivate you to prove yourself right and reach your target.

“The book begins with a description of my own exercise challenge, but the focus quickly turns to the challenges that other people are taking on and ends with a call for the reader to create their own challenge at an appropriate level for them.”

Dales added: “It’s so important to keep moving your body as you get older.

“As well as the obvious health benefits, there is so much pleasure to be gained from being outdoors and connected with nature.”

Tomorrow, Dales will run two laps of the North Inch in Perth at 5pm.

He will be joined by his friends and is inviting anyone to come and join him for all or part of the run, or just to see him over the finish line outside Bells Sports Centre at around 5.30pm.

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