Aberdeen enters Eurovision race

ABERDEEN City Council has thrown the Granite City’s hat into the ring to host next year’s Eurovision song contest.

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) today announced that the UK would host the competition on behalf of Ukraine.

As this year’s winner, Ukraine would normally host next year’s contest.

But Russia’s ongoing invasion means the EBU has asked the BBC to host the competition, after the UK finished as this year’s runner-up.

Now, Aberdeen has laid out its credentials to become the host city.

“We were disappointed to learn that Eurovision 2023 cannot take place in Ukraine,” said a spokeswoman for the council.

“Aberdeen has a track record of delivering major international events and now that the EBU has confirmed that the BBC will host the 2023 Eurovision song contest, we will look at the next steps in terms of the shortlisting process.

“The council has already instructed officers to continue the dialogue with relevant stakeholders and to look at the implications for the council of hosting this international event and its huge fanbase.”

She added: “The Eurovision song contest is a massive event with a worldwide audience.

“We have the city, the people, and infrastructure to support international events such as this and it would provide a major boost to the Aberdeen and Scottish economies and raise the city’s profile with potential investors and visitors.”

Read more stories on Scottish Field’s music pages.

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