A new bridge has been installed at Balgavies Loch wildlife reserve

The Scottish Wildlife Trust has replaced a bridge over a burn at Balgavies Loch Reserve near Forfar.









The new bridge was installed by Trust volunteers thanks to a £5,446 award from the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund through the Angus Environmental Trust. Reserves Manager Rab Potter said: “The new bridge is longer and higher than the previous crossing. Water can flow freely underneath it, and it will be much harder to wash away in a flood. “Thanks to the support for the project from Angus Environment Trust visitors can continue to enjoy the circular walk around the reserve in safety.”









The new bridge is a replacement for a crossing that was washed away as a result of severe flooding in January 2016. Drainage has also been improved to reduce the risk of flooding in future.









Chair of Angus Environmental Trust Shona Smith said: “We are delighted to fund this project to once again allow visitors access around Balgavies Loch, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest with some great things to see from wetlands to ospreys.”
