Haunting memories of Culloden

To mark the 274th anniversary of the Battle of Culloden on Thursday 16 April, the National Trust for Scotland has shared rare snippets of haunting Gaelic songs inspired by the Jacobite cause online. The original audio recordings are of a series of Gaelic songs collected by noted Gaelic archivist John Lorne Campbell from Canna.

The songs can be heard, along with a series of videos and articles, at www.nts.org.uk. In the video ‘Highland Songs of the Forty Five’ the NTS shares the original audio recordings of the Gaelic songs collected by Campbell. Published in 1933, the book brought together songs inspired by the events leading up to the Battle of Culloden, and beyond – many of which had never been written down before. They also collected recordings of the songs from Ruaiaridh Iain Bain and Annie Johnston of Barra.
