Fringe: Any job will do in entertaining Not Quite

Cassie Symes and Georgina Thomas are 2016 graduates from CENTRAL drama school. Not Quite is written and performed by the two artists.

It is an amusing and well observed comedy about the absurdities of interviewing for that first tenuous grip on the job ladder.

With pithy wit it regales us with their desperation for employment. So desperate in fact that any job will do and somehow their individual skill sets can be battered and bluffed to suit any application.

Well researched it comically reveals the Kafkaesque process corporation grind their interviewees through: unrelated questions, hint of jobs for favours and the dreaded psychometric test.

The performers, with skill, switch from applicant to interviewer and their facial expressions are a delight to see.

For those that have a job this production will recall dark memories, for those that have offspring struggling to find work it is an education and for those looking for work, well…. welcome to the absurd process of selection.

I can guarantee that the process of finding work will in no resemble this amusing take on that process.

Not Quite, Patter Hoose, 3 Chambers Street, Gilded Balloon, 1.30pm.

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