Haggis emoji campaign needs one final push

The campaign for the creation of a haggis emoji is appealing for a final push with Burns Night taking place tomorrow.

The bid, which has received much attention on TV, radio, social media and more, needs more signatures before the emoji decision makers will grant the wishes of haggis lovers across the world.

Makers of Scotland’s Most Awarded Haggis, McCaskie Butchers from Wemyss Bay, started the campaign.
Many claim that the ‘language of the emoji’ is the most universal language there is but with other national food favourites such as pizza, sushi, pretzels, burritos and croissants already able to show off their own emoji, McCaskie believe it’s time that Scotland’s national dish did the same.

Nigel Ovens, owner of McCaskie Butchers, said: ‘Since we launched our #haggisemojji campaign last week I’ve been on TV, on radio and the campaign has been in the papers and all over social media. But I’m not finished yet – I would like many more signatures on the petition so that the powers that be within the world of emojis take our campaign seriously and give us the haggis emoji we would all love!

‘We are hugely proud of our multi-award winning McCaskie haggis. In the run up to Burns Night, and indeed at other times of year, I wanted to be able to share my enthusiasm via text message and on social media and so I hunted for a haggis emoji – without success!

‘I really believe a haggis emoji would be well used as a great way to celebrate Scotland’s famous dish but also as a great way to celebrate Scotland as a whole.

‘I hope that members of the public, chefs, politicians, foodies, tourists and anyone with a passion for Scotland or a love of haggis support this campaign, as well as enjoying a tasty haggis meal on Burns Night. Don’t forget that vegetarian haggis is also available!

‘I should like for every haggis producer to benefit from this campaign as we give haggis the recognition it deserves and put it on the emoji map. Let’s get #haggisemoji trending!’

People can support the campaign in two ways:

Use #haggisemoji on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, to share your love of haggis or your favourite haggis recipe – those who use the hashtag will have the chance of winning prizes!

Sign the change.org petition calling for a haggis emoji at http://chng.it/rRbgzjyMtx.
