Fantastic facts ahead of National Drink Beer Day

It’s National Drink Beer Day this Saturday and to celebrate we’ve compiled a list of facts about one of our favourite drinks.

1. In ancient Egypt, beer was traditionally brewed by women. Beer soup was also a popular breakfast dish in medieval Britain and was often made with beer and cheese.

2. President Obama was the very first president to brew his own beer on White House grounds. The White House Honey Porter and White House Honey Ale were brewed using honey produced in beehives at the White House.

3. For more than 5,000 years beer has been brewed in Scotland and there are currently more than 150 breweries in Scotland producing around 2,000 regular beers and thousands more special event beers.

4. This Saturday Dakhin South Indian restaurant in Candleriggs, Glasgow, which also celebrates its fifteenth birthday this month has partnered with Kingfisher beer to give a free pint with every main dish ordered from its menu. Just quote ‘15th birthday’ when you book a table.

5. In 2013, Germany built a 5km beer pipeline to the Veltins-Arena, a major football stadium in the city of Gelsenkirchen. There is a Thor Beer pipeline in Randers, Denmark and the Halve Maan Brewery opened one in Bruges, Belgium.

6. Beer has been around for so long that the moon even has a crater named Beer. Beer is the world’s oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drink and the third most popular drink – after water and tea.

7. Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty beer glass. Obviously ‘the fear’ can come from an beer glass too. The world’s longest hangover lasted four weeks after a Scotsman consumed 60 pints of beer.

8. Stanford researchers found that beer bubbles create a gravity-defying loop. Bubbles head up in the centre where frictional drag from the glass is less and moves down on the outside as the top gets crowded.
