Scottish vet stars in new show as she helps sick pets

A Scottish vet is currently starring in a brand new TV series, showcasing the amazing lifesaving work of vet charity PDSA.

Anne Robinson, originally from Motherwell, features in the fascinating new series on Channel 4, called The People’s Vet, where cameras spent six months behind the scenes at two of the charity’s busy Pet Hospitals – in Kirkdale and Huyton, on Merseyside.

The series captures all the drama as PDSA’s heroic vet teams deal with hundreds of cases every single day – ranging from routine check-ups to extraordinary life-and-death emergencies.

Vet Anne has worked at Liverpool’s Huyton PDSA Pet Hospital for 30 years where it’s her role to help treat sick and injured pets in consultations and operations.

She said: ‘The series gives us a great opportunity to show the wider world what an important job we do at PDSA across our nation-wide Pet Hospitals. We are dealing with some of the country’s most vulnerable pets and owners.

‘It was quite an experience having the cameras on site. Any initial concerns we had were quickly overcome and they only filmed staff and pet owners who were happy with cameras present. Nothing was staged; they just wanted to capture real life.

‘Every day at PDSA is different and you never know what’s coming through the door next. That’s what makes it a fascinating job and I think that will come across in the series.’

Between PDSA’s five pet hospitals in Scotland, the staff treat over 550 pets on an average day and provide over 300,000 treatments every year. Combined, the sites cost PDSA nearly £4.5 million to run annually and the charity relies entirely on generous public support.

Produced for Channel 4 by Blakeway North, The People’s Vet appears every Saturday at 4.30pm.

Animal lovers can support PDSA’s work by visiting or by texting PET to 70030 to give a donation of £3 to help pets in need of life-saving care. (You’ll also be charged one standard rate message).
