The world’s most popular facial has arrived

It’s the world’s most popular facial, with one performed somewhere around the globe every 15 seconds. And now, Edinburgh residents can see what the fuss...

Give your skin a luminous boost for the colder months

Dried out cheeks, cracked knuckles and dull skin that’s in need of some TLC. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? The difference in the condition of our...
Dr Judy Todd administers an injection to Kenny Smith's face

The rise in Scottish men having aesthetic treatments

I have to confess - I've not had a skincare regime for years. In the early 2000s, after reading American Psycho and seeing the film...

Make-up as easy as 1,2,3

The day to day routine of getting ready can get old and laborious fast. During the week while I'm in the office, I like to...

The perfect pampering package at Gleneagles

There are few things I enjoy more than being pampered, eating lovely food and slowly sipping a good cuppa. Having had a rather hectic few...

Luxurious oils for face and body

Grabbing a moment in the day for a touch of self care is something we all could do more often.    One of the easiest...