So you think you can write…

Budding young writers have been invited to submit entries to the Young Walter Scott Prize, a UK-wide historical writing prize for 11-19 year olds.

The prestigious prize challenges young people to write a piece of short fiction set in a time before they were born, with the winners receiving a £500 travel grant and a two-day trip to the Baillie Gifford Borders Book Festival in Melrose, where they will be presented with their prizes. All winning and highly commended writers see their work published in the special YWSP anthology and runners-up in each age category receive a book token.

Stories of between 800 and 2000 words can now be submitted until the closing date of 31st October 2020. Entries are judged in two age groups – 11 to 15 years and 16 to 19 years. Any kind of fiction is accepted – prose, poetry, drama, fictional letters or reportage.
