Go Dance festival returns to Glasgow’s Theatre Royal

Community dance festival, Go Dance returns to the Glasgow’s Theatre Royal next week following a two-year hiatus.

Produced by Theatre Royal’s Creative Learning team, Go Dance features a calibre of talent and dynamic routines from Scotland’s leading dance colleges, dance schools and community groups.

Go Dance was launched in 2008 and provides a platform for both established dance groups as well as up-and-coming talent to showcase their flair.

Opening up the Theatre Royal stage as a platform for groups to make, share and perform new work, the festival has become a firm favourite in the theatre calendar with dancers aged 8 to 80 taking part.

Alison Cowan, senior creative Learning Manager, said: ‘It’s fantastic to welcome groups back to Go Dance this year, particularly as it was due to open the night before we went into lockdown back in March 2020.

‘There’s an incredible richness and diversity of dance making happening in our communities and for dancers to see their work beautifully lit on a main stage such as Theatre Royal, is a unique experience.

‘This year whilst we are celebrating the long-awaited return of live work on stage, we are also showcasing some fantastic digital work that has been created throughout lockdown.’

All male company, Overdrive will be performing a hybrid digital and live piece, Status:Changed. The piece was created at the height of the pandemic and explores the place of young people in the world today. Coming together to rehearse online and outdoors, the group’s work has been developed for the screen and stage. The film was commissioned by Dance Base Scotland and Overdrive is supported by Glasgow CAN and Creative Learning, King’s & Theatre Royal.

One of the groups, Unearthed Dance Company, from Edinburgh, is performing a piece called Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, inspired by the 1988 Tim Burton classic. Unearthed delve into the depths of the netherworld and dare to say the name three times. Exploring the beloved character and his behaviour in a quirky piece of work which will make you fall in love with the music and character all over again.

Go Dance 20 was due to open on Tuesday 17 March 2020, the day after theatres across the UK closed due to the pandemic and so the production team are thrilled that this year’s showcase can go ahead.

For more details and tickets on Go Dance 2022, at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow, from February 1-4, visit HERE.
