FRINGE REVIEW: “The Black Blues Brothers”

The Black Blues Brothers – Assembly Rooms, Music Hall – George Street – 4.45pm

SET in an Art Deco bar and scored to the music of the Ackroyd and Belushi film The Blues Brothers, this is a show that combines circus tumbling, music, dance, and comedically-timed miming. It’s fast paced and furious. The five Kenyan performers have the audience on their side from the very first note of the first song with cheering and clapping.

The performers start with a skilled array of circus acts and tumbles and from there the pace picks up. Intertwined with the acrobatics are small, amusing and at times tender vignettes of stories mimed to the music film score. As the tempo of the music increases so does the acrobatics, with some very hair-raising solo performances to the noise of the audience drawing breath in the hope that no-one gets hurt.

When the troupe performs together it is hard to keep your eyes focussed on them as they dart and fly through props into each other’s open arms, and one miraculously appears at the apex of a human tower. For me, the most skillful and entertaining routine was the combination of urban street dance meets school ground skipping, where the dexterity of their skill is at its most apparent.

These performers combine natural skill, honed with years of training, to deliver an hour of wonderful entertainment. They work very hard to give the audience pleasure and deliver that pleasure with skill and aplomb. The audience? They repaid the performers with a standing ovation.

Well worth getting a ticket, although a word of warning – it’s only the second day of the Fringe and it was a full house, so get booking.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
