FRINGE REVIEW: “Simon Brodkin: Screwed Up”

Simon Brodkin: Screwed Up – Venue 33 – Pleasance Courtyard, Cabaret Bar – 9.40pm

SIMON BRODKIN is one of the bigger names at this year’s Fringe and his largely sell-out show reflects his draw. He’s largely known for his affable chav character, Lee Nelson, stereotyped scouse footballer Jason Ben, and numerous pranks.

In this show, Screwed Up, he neatly weaves into the set some well-honed observations surrounding his various pranks and numerous arrests and the fallout from them, including spells in a Swiss jail (very nice and luxurious apparently) after he famously showered FIFA president Sepp Blatter with money at a press conference.

Multiple personal subjects are covered seamlessly, from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to sex parties. He references repeatedly his displeasure at failing to get onto I’m A Celebrity… even though he is a big name – perhaps they don’t want to take the risk with someone so wonderfully unpredictable? Whilst there is virtually no two-way interaction with the audience, he is highly engaging and has that endearing ability to take you along with him through his various stories.

A well-polished set tuned for real belly laughs, but his self-reflecting stories show a gentler side; likeable and honest. One minute vulnerable, the next chasing you down for that laugh – and not letting you go until he gets one.

The show highlights Brodkin as a truly multi-faceted entertainer, similar in talent to comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, an interesting and unpredictable prankster and clever character developer. I laughed a lot, as did the whole audience.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
