FRINGE REVIEW: “Lew Fitz: Soft Lad”

Lew Fitz: Soft Lad – Venue 14: Gilded Balloon Teviot – Turret – 7pm

USUALLY, the term “soft lad” is derogatory. But, in relation to Lew Fitz with his Edinburgh Festival Fringe show Soft Lad at the Gilded Balloon Turret, it is most definitely complimentary. He has a friendly and endearing manner that makes a viewing of his show fly by.

Despite the majority of his act covering well-worn ground with tales of a tough upbringing in Manchester’s Moss Side – a harsh father but a loving mother, poverty, and the desperate desire to flee – he delivers these anecdotes with a softness that makes for enjoyable listening, considering the subject matter. Memories of the meat van, stolen televisions, and freezing weather become distant as he does indeed flee – to America on a scholarship for that most working class of sports, lacrosse.

Although he has escaped the misery, it is never far away. Failed exams and the termination of his visa all mount to affect his mental health. Added to this is a worrying eye condition, panic attacks as a consequence of feelings of inadequacy, and the death of his beloved Nan.

You could be forgiven if you expected this show to be melancholic. On the contrary, there is considerable movement, energy and positivity, which balances out the show nicely.

Soft Lad is not for those wishing for a laugh-out-loud, gag-filled explosion. But it is consistently amusing, understated, and interesting.

Lew Fitz is a natural storyteller, and hopefully plans to tell more. If he is a soft lad, he is all the better for it.


Get the full details about the show here.

Plus, read more reviews on Scottish Field’s Fringe pages.
