Female artists’ work to be put in the spotlight

A new exhibition showcasing the work of female artists is coming to the Lillie Art Gallery in Milngavie.

The exhibition of The Glasgow Society of Women Artists will open on Saturday, 5 March, and will include exciting new work from the long established society.

The Society’s membership of over 200 artists and lay members covers all genres of creativity with painters, sculptors, textile artists, photographers, print makers and silversmiths within its ranks.

Carol Dewart, GSWA president said: ‘In 1882 eight women, some of the first students at The Glasgow School of Art, formed a society known as The Glasgow Society of Lady Artists. In 1975, it was re-established as The Glasgow Society of Women Artists.

‘Although attitudes to female artists have progressed since 1882, today’s Society is indebted to the determination of all the women who have worked so hard to be recognised as equals within the very male dominated art world. Their belief in the value of their artistic talent is tantamount to the growing success of 21st century women artists.’

Jim Neill, chair of East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust said: ‘We are delighted to welcome this exhibition to the Lillie Art Gallery and I would encourage people to come along and appreciate the works on show for themselves.

‘The Glasgow Society of Women Artists is a well-established and highly regarded society which continues to showcase talent in all mediums and styles year after year.’

The Society offers support and encouragement to its members through the various awards which it presents to artists for selected works in the exhibition.

One of the awards, The Flora Wood Award, is given in the category of the most original work on display.

Flora Wood, a painter and sculptor who formerly lived in Baldernock, left funds to the Glasgow Society of Women Artists to establish an award after her death in 1998.

The Glasgow Society of Women Artists exhibition will run at the Lillie Art Gallery until Thursday 28 April.

For more information, visit www.edlc.co.uk.
