Celebrating U.S. conceptual artist Allan Kaprow

Jupiter Artland Foundation has announced a new season dedicated to legendary American conceptual artist Allan Kaprow, who famously coined the term ‘Happening’ in the early 1960s.

From May through to September 2020, Scottish and international artists will reinvent artworks from Kaprow’s career, reimagining them for the current day and the unique landscape of Jupiter Artland. The opening weekend is 9-10 May.

In reference to the UK’s departure from the EU today, Peter Liversidge will reinvent Allan Kaprow’s Out, 1963 (also known as Exit Piece) which was the first and only ‘Happening’ to be staged by Allan Kaprow in the UK. Adverts designed by Peter Liversidge have been placed in newspapers across Scotland, inviting young people to participate in an immersive installation and workshop at Jupiter Artland during their opening weekend in May.

Every day for the past year, Liversidge has sent a hand-painted ‘No Brexit’ postcard to the current Prime Minister, with photos of the final postcards also appearing in newspapers.

Kaprow’s Edinburgh ‘Happening’ took place at the end the city’s acclaimed Writer’s Conference in 1963. Upon exiting, the 1500 delegates (among them Laurence Olivier, Harold Pinter and Alec Guinness) were met with a barriered path jammed with car tyres. Taking inspiration from the idea of a ‘difficult exit’, Peter Liversidge’s modern reinvention seeks to engage young people in debate and discussion about the changes happening in their own lives.

Liversidge’s work also marks the beginning of Jupiter Artland’s season dedicated to Allan Kaprow, which will see Scottish and international artists, as well as Jupiter’s Youth Council ORBIT, reinventing key works from Kaprow’s oeuvre.

Peter Liversidge said: ‘I was 18 when I first became aware of Kaprow’s work and working methods. How could this be art? How could this be an artwork? He engaged with an audience, invited them in and enabled, for a short while, a different way of being. All things that have resonated with me through the subsequent 30 years of making’

Director of Jupiter Artland Foundation Nicky Wilson added: ‘Jupiter Artland is a fertile ground for new thinking and for artists to enjoy challenges to their practice. Peter Liversidge’s reinvention of Allan Kaprow’s Edinburgh ‘Happening’ embodies Jupiter Artland’s philosophy, provoking a reaction that is both challenging and current.’

Head of exhibitions and audience development at Jupiter Artland Foundation, Claire Feeley agreed: ‘Allan Kaprow, as the father of Happenings (later called Activities) has had an undeniable influence on generations of artists from the 1960s to today. As each Happening or Activity is unique to the time and place in which it unfolds, Kaprow didn’t believe in re-enactments.

‘Instead he set a challenge for future artists to re-invent his works, adapting them according to the social, political and ecological situation of today. It feels timely to begin Jupiter Artland’s 2020 season with a reimagining of Kaprow’s iconic Out, which originally took place against the backdrop of Edinburgh. We are delighted to welcome Liversidge’s determination to engage young people and celebrate discussion to the grounds of the Artland.’

Further information on the Allan Kaprow season at Jupiter Artland, including an events calendar, will be released in spring.

For details on the rest of the 2020 season visit www.jupiterartland.org.
