


Get booked up to see Scotland’s beauty

A celebration of Scotland's stunning natural beauty is set to be released next month. Scotland Revealed is a stunning collection of images from photographer Shahbaz...

Mary Queen of Scots put under the spotlight

Donald Smith’s third historical novel readdresses the conventional, biased readings of the enigmatic Mary Queen of Scots as either: a deceitful adultress or a pious...
Craig Robertson’s passport photograph for the family’s first foreign holiday to Spain when he was around 15.(Photo: Angus Blackburn)

The life and crimes of author Craig Robertson

Crime writer Craig Robertson confesses to a fondness for cemeteries and his local 19th-century pub, as well as taking plenty of inspiration from his home...

A very human story – in English and Gaelic

From the very first page of this poetic novel the reader can witness the story shimmer into life. Writing simultaneously in Gaelic and English, Campbell...

Fund launched to support arts performers

The Edinburgh International Children’s Festival has been cancelled this year - and now they've launched an appeal to support talented performers. Due to the Coronavirus...

How the other half live in country houses

Country House Camera is a stunning glimpse into how the other half used to live. This collection of photographs taken at some of Britain’s grandest...